Business Concept and History
Sontech NoiseControl™ was started in 1987 as a private company on a small scale.
The noise control experience of the founders extended 20 years back in time.

The business concept from the start was, and still is,
to treat noise and create a pleasant sound scape.
This is done by supplying the industry with acoustic solutions for various
noise problems.

We have at our disposal the widest range of soundproofing materials on the market.
We cooperate with the leading manufacturers in Europe and the USA and also with Swedish acoustic consultants.


Sontech NoiseControl™ has developed over the years and has today a comprehensive capability in noise control with a competence that extends from idea and development work, with the development of new materials, measurement, and sound analysis, to recommendations for materials and design. Sontech NoiseControl™ is the trademark for the company Sontech AB..

Availability & CustomerServices
All Sontechs sound damping
materials are stored in our large
high bay storage facility adjacent
to our head office.

Nearness to the products makes continuous quality check possible and allows us to maintain short delivery times and a flexible production..

Certification and Quality Assurance
Sontech NoiseControl™ has been quality certified in accordance with ISO 9001 since 14-08-2000. We were certified by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL 94) for fire classification of materials and we are
certified according to ISO14001-Environmental Management System.
Click for policy
Click for ISO certificate

For more information please contact us.

Sontech NoiseControl™ - Sontech AB · Energivägen 6
SE 196 37 Kungsängen · Tel +46 8 445 50 60 · Fax +46 8 38 47 99